Tuesday, December 13, 2011

December 13 Best Gift

December 13, 2011 Prompt:

Best Gift

What was the best gift you gave yourself this year? 

I guess the secret would be out if I told what the best gift I gave myself is. Not sure I can divulge this. 

I often times think the best gifts I give myself is when I please someone else. It is a rare thing and something that I set myself up for failure in doing. But I still do it.

I always like to come up with a great gift for people I care about. I loved the fused glass plate I made for Amy, with the cut out of Africa and a heart where Ethiopia is. I loved giving Andy his IPad, I was thrilled to give him something that he really wanted. 

But taking care of myself, I think I do a pretty good job at that. Gifting myself massages this spring pretty darn good. Working out every morning is a wonderful gift. Choosing to be loved and to love others is a really good feeling as well.

But the best gift I gave me last year was going to the (I can not spell the word and can't find the correct spelling but here it is....Es-ta-ti-tion).  So when I went, I paid very close attention to what she was doing. Then I went out and bought all the stuff she used so I could do it at home. So now I have the acid peal that she used to remove age spots, and lines. I also have the special UV light she used to regenerate collagen. So probably more secret than I should have shared but I think its fun. I also do acid peals on Edik to try and clear up the acne. I just started doing this. 

If I had the freedom to be retrained in a career, I would choose caring for skin. I think it would be fun to help people feel better about themselves and to slow down the aging process. There, two of my big secrets are out.

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