Sunday, June 27, 2010

Spokandy Day 2

Oddly enough we just hung out in Spokane. We went garage sailing and explored the neighborhoods. They are so pretty; everyone takes care of their huge lawns and keeps their places looking nice. The neighborhoods are so Brady Bunch-esk!

We did find Spokandy the candy store and got some really good truffles and some chocolate salt caramels my favorites.

We played at a great park on the South Hill, it was huge, there was a swimming facility there that looked fun. We did a little stranger danger education to Edik. Not sure if he got it we will play again. Sad to say if he got separated from us I am not sure where he would end up. But the park made a nice place to play. We worked on summersaults, cartwheels and playing wheel barrow. The swings were fun and Edik learned how to jump out of a swing while still going pretty high.

The rope bridge at the Bowl and Pitcher state park was fun, it moved as you walked across it. That is an eerie feeling only when looking down river however. Once across the Spokane River we played in the water at a little beach, and then proceeded to walk the, “well-groomed-don’t-deviate-from-the-path” trail. There were lots of people walking and riding bikes along it. But at about 5:30 the mosquito’s came out so we decided it was time to turn back. We really hadn’t walked that far. But it felt good to be in wilderness.

At dinner we heard that there was a shooting at the carousel down at the river front park in Spokane during the Hoop Fest. Turns out it was two gangs fighting and one idiot pulled a gun and shot and hit two innocent by-standers. They all had criminal records, two of them out on parole. Idiots! Reading the on line comments from the Spokanites was hilarious!

Andy and I watched Rush Hour 3 until I fell asleep, while dad did his school work. We were exhausted from our day of exploring.