Saturday, December 3, 2011

December Day 2 Vices

#resound11 Prompt 02: Vices

Yesterday we summed up 2011 in one word. Today we're going to talk about vices.

Vice - immoral habit, depravity, prostitution, gambling, drugs, mild  failing in character, in place  of.

When you put it that way I don't have any vices. There is nothing that holds me hostage, and makes me twitchy and anxious if I don't do it or have it. No there is nothing that is a compulsion to me, no obsessive thing I must have to feel whole and good. Well maybe just one "in place of" thing. 

I would rather replace working, cleaning, shopping, interaction with some people, cooking a full blown balanced meal, sitting and play a board game with Edik or going and playing catch with the dogs with..... Facebook. But is that really a vice? You betcha  it is. A substitute  is a vice. I will work on it in that's a mild failing in character to say that...I have no intention of giving up Facebook.  Maybe it will treat me like Meth, and I will loose 50lb and get really wired and a menace to society. Doubtful but it will keep me mildly happy and entertained.

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