Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Disneyland July 2008

Here we are in the parking garage at Disneyland. A stranger passing by saw us trying to get a complete family photo, so this is what we look like. The trip started all with Amy needing to return to the mother ship so she could make it through another year. She is re-charged and encourage by the magic of Disney. Peter and Amy were planning a trip and asked us if we would like to go, of course we said yes. Andy did not want to come at all, he "hates" Disneyland. But he decided to come along so that he could see the expression and excitment on Ediks face when he saw the wonder of Disneyland.
So Edik was fearless, unlike Andy and I we were fearful! The first place Peter and Amy and of course Brian headed was the roaller coaster "Screamin" Edik was holding Brians hand so naturaly he went with him to the line for the ride. Andy and I had more common sense than that and we went to a smaller less scarry ride. Edik loved the ride and was not afraid at all. The number of rides we rode that first day was staggering.

We had gotten up at 3 am and did not go to bed until the next morning at 1 am. I was on vacations so I could just keep going and going. Brian felt like he was coming down with something because he was dizzy and nauseous. Turns out after a good night of sleep and not being on twisting, turning, dropping, soaring rides he felt better, but to avoid this feeling again he took some motion sickness medicine that made him not able to recall the second day of our trip. He was not too much fun, we came home from Knottsberry Farm at 5pm and in our room at 6:30pm and he was out untill 6:30 the next morning. Better living? through modern chemistry.

Knott's was so disappointing after being in the well run and efficient Disneyland. Peter and Amy kept us going and able to ride an amazing amount of rides because of the FastPass system they developed. So the first day we did: Mulhonland Avenue 2x,Screamin 3x,Tower of Terror1x, Muppet Movie 1x, Monsters inc. 1x, Soaring 2x, Splash 2x, Pooh 2x, Star Tour 1x, Malibumer (just Peter, Brian, Edik)1x, Grizzly Rappids 1x,Space Mt. 3x, Matahorn 1x, Indiana Jones 1x (thank goodness because it was shut down the rest of the time), Pirates of the Caribbean 1x. That is a lot of rides for having gotten up at 3 am!

Tuesday was the day of the Earthquake 5.8. Everything shut down. We were using one of our Fast Passes to get on to Screamin. Oh! Andy and I were initiated into riding Screamin Sunday night and we were hooked. As we were standing there I heard a rumbling and I thought to my self is that the ride,I don't remember it from the last 5 times we had rode it. I looked at the young lady taking our fast past and said that is not the ride is it? She said no, I think that is an earthquake, we came to the same conclusion at the same time. Naturally the rides were all shut down and they had to inspect each and every joint and system. The park shut down for 5,5 hours. We waited it out by the Grizzly Rapid ride for a long time because there were benches and shade. People just walked around and looked at things and others just sat. We met a fun guy from New Jersey that we kubitzed back and forth with. Amy made the call that we would go back to the hotel and swim or take a nap. We all ended up taking naps. When we came back to the park we had to eat dinner and we had some fast passes to use but really not to many rides were available. We watched the parade and it was amazing.
The sad last day, we did Tunetown for Edik and all the fairytale land, because we had not had time to even look at it. They were not thrilling but they were cute and fun. The trip home was uneventful fortunatly. We had a great time, Andy was converted to be a Roller Coaster junkie like his dad, brother and sister-in-law. Edik was in awe of all the rides and the sights and the thrills of the roller coasters! Peter and Amy were re-charged and ready for another year.

I think we will have to go back, I loved having breakfast with the Characters, Pooh made me feel thin!

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